Diabetes.co.uk is a community website of people with diabetes, family members, friends, supporters and carers focusing on providing comprehensive, supportive and independent experiences.
Website: www.diabetes.co.uk
Type 1 Diabetes – Online Support
NHS England have created a webpage with all useful NHS-trusted links in one place. The webpages are beneficial to newly type 1 diabetic patients who wish to gain knowledge and confidence in managing their condition.
Advice for people with Diabetes and their Families
From knowing your diabetes risk to learning to live well with diabetes a wide variety of support is available.
Website: www.diabetes.org.uk
NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP)
The NHS DPP is a joint service between NHS England and Diabetes UK, which identifies people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and refers them onto a nine-month evidence-based lifestyle change programme.
Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation
The foundation aims to support people with diabetes through the provision of information and guidance whilst publicly funded researchers work towards better understanding the causes, prevention and treatment of diabetes.
Website: www.drwf.org.uk
Diabetes Northamptonshire
The service promotes self-management to avoid acute and long-term complications of diabetes through 1-1 clinic appointments and group education courses taught by diabetes specialist educators. The service also have links with the podiatry team and the Diabetes Psychological Wellbeing Service.
Website: www.nhft.nhs.uk/diabetes
Telephone: 01536 492121
Diabetes UK provide information on symptoms and causes of prediabetes and prevention from developing type 2 diabetes.
Website: www.diabetes.org.uk/diabetes-the-basics
Use the below link provided by Diabetes UK to calculate your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Website: www.riskscore.diabetes.org.uk/start